- win+dows


воскресенье, 10 декабря 2017 г.

Millwork, Window, and Door Manufacturers

The following guide to industry information, research, and analysis provides sources for industry trends and statistics, financial ratios, salary surveys, and more.

Industry Analysis, Statistics, Trends, and Forecasts

Financial Information and Financial Ratios

Compensation and Salary Surveys

Business Valuation Resources

For guides to other industries, see our index of over 400 industries.

Industry Analysis, Statistics, Trends, and Forecasts

Comprehensive research reports provide in-depth industry analysis and five-year growth forecasts, with special focus on the underlying structure and external forces and relationships that affect industries and their performance. Report contents include:

  • Key statistics

  • Market size and characteristics

  • Current performance

  • Competitive landscape

  • Major companies

  • Key risk and success factors

  • Five-year growth forecast

Bimonthly trade magazine features news and information for manufacturers, distributors, and dealers, with special features including the annual "Industry Pulse" survey, which gauges industry expectations for the year ahead, and the "Top 100 Manufacturers" report, which includes descriptive information and updates on each company. Selected articles from current and prior issues are categorized by topic and can be viewed online.

Wood Window & Door Manufacturing

First Research profiles provide analysis, statistics, and forecasts for a wide range of industries, with content sections including industry overview, recent developments, issues and challenges, business trends and opportunities, leading companies, executive insights, financial benchmarking information, and 5-year revenue growth forecast. Profiles are updated monthly; sample report is available online.

Supplier Relations US, LLC

Millwork Industry in the U.S.

Comprehensive industry market research reports provide in-depth analysis of the millwork manufacturing sector, with product segments analyzed separately in individual reports including "Wood Window and Door Manufacturing", "Cut Stock, Resawing Lumber, and Planing", and "Other Millwork (Including Flooring)". Summary description and detailed table of contents for each of these reports can be viewed free online.

WDMA Window & Entry Door U.S. Market Study

Annual market research study provides detailed analysis of the residential window and entry door market, with information provided for each product segment including regional market size by product characteristic and number of units, market size by distribution channel and number of units, and historical and projected growth in number of units by geographic region.

Study of the U.S. Market for Windows, Doors, and Skylights

Annual study market study provides in-depth analysis of the residential and nonresidential window, door, and skylight markets, with information provided for each product segment including market size and segmentation by application and material and historical and projected growth trends. Introduction and methodology section, detailed table of contents, and a complete list of all exhibits included in the study can be viewed free online.

Comprehensive study provides in-depth analysis of this product sector, with topics covered including market environment and trends; historical demand and forecasts by material (e.g., metal, wood, and plastic), type of product, market (e.g., new, replacement, residential, and nonresidential), and geographic region; industry structure; and company profiles. Summary description and detailed table of contents are available free online.

Financial Benchmarking Data

Millwork, Window, and Door Manufacturers

  • Income and expense detail in dollars and percentages

  • Balance sheets in dollars and percentages

  • Cash flow analysis

  • Liquidity and working capital ratios

  • Profitability and return on investment ratios

  • Asset turnover and efficiency ratios

  • Capital structure and debt service ratios

Cost of Doing Business and Compensation Study

Annual cost of doing business study includes detailed financial and operating performance measures, with data provided including comparative income statement and balance sheet data and financial and operating ratios categorized by annual sales volume, level of profitability (typical vs. top 25 percent), and geographic region to allow users to compare their company's financial and operating performance with other similar firms.

Architectural Woodwork Institute

Cost of Doing Business and Compensation Study

Compensation section of this annual cost of doing business study includes information on median staffing levels, base compensation, bonus compensation, and employee benefit costs for executive, management, and hourly personnel, with survey data broken by annual sales volume, level of profitability (typical vs. top 25 percent), and geographic region to allow users to compare their compensation data with other similar firms.

Business Valuation Resources

Small Business Valuation Multiples

Comprehensive reference guide provides market-based business valuation multiples for small businesses in more than 200 industries. Valuation multiples are derived from actual business sales transactions as reported by BIZCOMPSВ®, with the primary focus on small companies priced at less than $1 million.

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