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вторник, 12 декабря 2017 г.

Social Security Widow Book

Guide to Social Security Widow Benefits

Recently retiring from the Social Security Administration, I wrote an 18 page workbook, Social Security Inside Out, with answers to 27 important Social Security questions while divulging 44 insider tips to show you how to get the largest widow, retirement and spouse benefits possible.

Learn from an expert

Reading Social Security Inside Out will give you current information about Social Security widow, retirement and spouse benefits and the confidence to make informed decisions to get the largest Social Security checks possible. To keep my material up-to-date, I monitor Social Security employee manuals to update this book with any Social Security changes.

Take charge of your financial future

When it comes time to collect your Social Security benefits, you need to be more than a spectator. Take an informed and active part to get the largest checks possible.

Old dogs can learn new tricks

Even if you are already receiving Social Security checks, learn how to make sure you are getting the correct amount and if you can get even more in the future.

Widow Benefits

Do I get widow benefits or my own retirement?

Learn how to get widow benefits before you are Full Retirement Age (66) and then switch to your own retirement without the early retirement penalty. Or take widow benefits now and wait until you are 70-years-old to start your own retirement to get a 32% bonus.

What will my spouse get if I die?

You will learn how much your spouse will collect if you die. Furthermore, I explain how a widow or widower can switch back and forth between retirement and widow benefits to collect the most money from both programs at different times. Learn when you should draw widow benefits for the biggest benefit.

When should I start Social Security benefits?

Learn the pros and cons of getting benefits at age 60, 62, 66 or 70. An insider tip explains a way to get some benefits early and still get the bonus at age 70. Learn how you can sign up for retirement benefits but suspend checks to get extra money for your family in the long run.

Spouse Benefits

Should I get benefits from my record or as a spouse?

I cover the various options so you will know how to get the most benefits. A rarely used insider tip shows you how to get extra spouse benefits even though the primary worker hasn't retired. In addition, learn how you can get spouse benefits while your own benefits grow by 32%.

Divorced Benefits

Can I get benefits from my ex-husband?

I explain the rules concerning divorced spouse benefits and surviving divorced spouse benefits (ex-husband died after your divorce). Often you can get divorced spouse benefits even if your ex-spouse doesn't sign up for benefits. I explain whether you should collect your own retirement benefits or divorced spouse benefits or both.

Biggest Social Security Benefits

Don't Be Shortchanged.

I warn you about six areas that cause underpayments. For example, over 250 million W-2s never have been credited to any worker. I reveal a simple, but rarely used, insider tip to make sure you get credit for all of your work. Furthermore, you will learn the different times to contact Social Security to draw the most benefits possible throughout your life.

Free Retirement Guide

Included is a retirement guide, 46 Retirement Pitfalls. Save yourself financial trouble and emotional stress by learning from other retired people. This indispensable retirement guide is included FREE in Social Security Inside Out.

Robert Bruce

Social Security District Manager (Retired)

Me visiting the White House

What readers said about Social Security Inside Out:

"I cannot imagine anyone, especially a widow, ever contacting SSA without your booklet."

Reviews of My Workbook

The Chicago Tribune ran a review of my workbook that states, "He knows how to avoid common mistakes people make regarding applying for Social Security benefits. His 38-page booklet (available at SocialSecurityInsideOut.com, $19.95) contains a great deal of useful information, including a list of retirement pitfalls, along with worksheets to help in your decision-making."

You can click the following link to read the entire review.

Relevant Investments, an investment advisory firm, recommended my workbook stating, "In 38 pages he takes the mystery out of the benefit choices we face and guides us through examples in order to make sound decisions."

Click the link to read the full review.

But why do I need to read your workbook?

You don't know what you don't know. However, after spending 30 minutes reading Social Security Inside Out, you will have a complete understanding of Social Security retirement, spouse and widow benefits.

Using understandable terms and easy to follow examples, I cover benefit options and inside tips that are rarely, if ever, covered by Social Security workers.

I constantly monitor Social Security employee operation manuals for any changes and revise my book whenever needed to make it current.

You spent many years and lots of money learning your working career. Shouldn’t you spend 30 minutes and $19.95 (which includes postage) to understand this valuable part of your retirement career?

You will feel comfortable and confident when you talk with SSA employees. And you will be smarter than your brother-in-law. (Priceless)

Why don’t I just ask Social Security?

Social Security workers process applications for benefits but they don't cover how to get the most money over your expected lifetime.

Before you step inside a Social Security office, you need to know your options so YOU make the best decisions when you take into account your current and future financial needs.

Social Security Inside Out gives you a second opinion from an expert (not from the old guy down the street who knows even less than you do).

On the SSA website, you will never find my insider tips. With my experience, I am able to access and understand Social Security employee manuals to find the insider tips that are included in my book.

I guarantee you will learn tons of stuff about Social Security. I get thank you notes from everyone from average citizens to professional financial planners.

If you don’t read Social Security Inside Out, you can always hope that you will get all that you are due but how will you know for sure?

The cost of my book is only $19.95 (which includes $1.78 for USPS postage): a bargain to learn how to get the largest Social Security benefits.


(1) Order online using a credit card, debit card or PayPal. (Click the Buy Now button)

(2) Mail a check or money order. Send $19.95, your name and address or print this page and complete the form below. Mail to Robert Bruce, 7159 NE Rocky Brook St, Hillsboro OR 97124.

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