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Technology in News

List of GUI-Based Operating System and Its History

Written By Rieihan Purwaningrum on Wednesday, June 6, 2012 | 11:01 PM

This is the first system is called a fully integrated desktop computer, including the application and the GUI and is known as "The Xerox Star", later renamed the "Viewpoint" and then changed again renamed to "GlobalView". Apple Lisa Office System 1 (released in 1983) System known as Lisa OS, or an abbreviation of the Office System. The system was developed by Apple with the intention of the document processing workstation. Unfortunately, this workstation did not last long, suffered a setback when Xerox introduced the Apple Macintosh operating systems are offered with a more affordable price. There are a few extra to upgrade to a version of the Lisa OS, Lisa OS 2 in 1983 and Lisa OS 7/7 3.1 in 1984, and can be upgraded by the system itself, but these systems do not use GUI.

VisiCorp first developed a desktop GUI that is intended for IBM PC. The system is targeted for large companies and of course comes with high prices and can not be owned by every man in person. GUI system makes use of a mouse with a built-in installer and do not use the icons on the interface. This has been a lack of GUI as well as a stumbling block that led to the failure of this type of system.

Mac OS System 1.0 is an operating system first developed GUI for the Macintosh. Some of these features are of a modern operating system, because in each window is accompanied by an icon. At each window can be moved with the mouse and not just limited to windows, files and folders can be copied by simply dragging and placing or people who we know today in terms of drag and drop to the desired location or the target user. This concept is applied to Apple on the Mac until now is already a version of OSX Snow Leopard. And maybe this is what makes Mac said simple if compared with other types GUI and became an operating systems claimed to have the best GUI system compared to other operating systems.

When first released, at that time the Amiga is a frontrunner for an operating system, because the GUI system is embedded in the operating system already has a color feature that has not owned by other GUI of its time. Although only available in four colors including black, white, blue and orange. In addition to already have the color, the operating system also has other advantages, such as multitasking capabilities, support for stereo sound and settings icons (selected and unselected). These features make this type of popular GUI at the time.

In this year, Microsoft finally caught up with the position of all the operating systems interface with the release of Windows 1.0, the first GUI based operating system. The system featured 32 × 32 pixel icons and color graphics. Another interesting feature is the most iconic animated analog clock that in turn this feature removed. Then re-enabled this feature in Windows Vista (on Gadget in Sidebar). Windows is called by the name of one of Bill Gates employee who has a sense of the operation of the windows.

The user interface is completely re-designed since version 3.x. Microsoft is doing a large scale restoration on this operating system. And developments in this version for the first time was with the famous Start button. This is one of the major advances in Microsoft operating systems and GUI display that is also completely different.

Nothing has changed on this operating system, from the form of icon to the Internet Explorer is embedded in the operating system is still the same as what is embedded in Windows 95. For its GUI, Windows 98 is already has 256 colors.

GNOME Desktop is preferred for Red Hat Linux, and then further developed for other Linux distributors as well.

In early 2000, Apple announced the operating system with the Aqua look and in 2001 the company released a new operating system called Mac OS X. With the default icon size 32 x 32 and 48 x 48 which can be converted to 128 x 128 pixel anti-aliased and semi-transparent icons. Many criticisms directed against Apple after the release of this GUI. It seems that users are not quite ready by this major change, but the user is fast enough to adopt this new style GUI. But thanks to this innovative Mac OS is touted as the most beautiful GUI at the time and makes frequent television appearances. Even for films Block Buster was also raised this Mac into the movie.

Since the operating system release, Microsoft is likely to fully concentrate on the GUI, Windows XP is no exception. On this version of the Windows GUI and skinnable total change, so that users can change the entire look of the GUI and display icons can be changed automatically. Thanks to the OS is also the one who pushed Microsoft as a majority of the OS in the world. Especially the support software vendors who tend to only develop its software on the type and rarely developed on Mac or Linux.

This is Microsoft's response to its competitors. They also pretty much the addition of 3D and animation features. Since Windows 98, Microsoft has always tried to improve the quality of the desktop. With Windows Vista, they released a widget that good as a replacement for the Active Desktop. However, the problem is the default Microsoft software is intentionally made to enhance its OS is actually the cause of the slow system in Vista, such as the themes found in Vista.

With six generations, Apple Mac OS X system, once again improving the user interface, GUI is a basic version of Aqua like candy scroll and platinum gray and blue. In this new GUI features are clearly visible 3D, 3D dock and many more new interactive animations that can spoil the eyes of its users.

Mac OS X Snow Leopard is the latest operating system that has the look of a more enhanced GUI. Some features were added to these operating systems, such as the addition of Stack which makes this desktop look more attractive. Not only the addition of the stack, even the scroll bar on this operating system was completely changed.

Windows 7 is the successor versions of Windows Vista is also a reformer of Vista itself. Display GUI in Windows 7 is not much different from Vista. But the Microsoft claims that Windows 7 has 127 new features including 27 improved GUI of the previous version.

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